Sunday, December 6, 2009

Final Chapters

" Burlington's experience demonstrates how much can, indeed, be accomplished through local action.".. " It would be so much easier if we could say, 'Well, if we approved this one project or this action, the problem would be solved," he told me,' But there's no silver bullet. There's no one thing we can do. There's no ten things we can do. There's hundreds and hundreds of things that we need to do.' AINT THAT THE TRUTH! Chapter 9's title pretty much was self explanatory of the entire chapter. Burlington, Vermont is working its hardest to try and lower their carbon footprint. This chapter talks about how we need to make up for not signing the Kyoto Protocol, which is true. We need to do something to make it up to all the other countries who did sign the protocol. Bush must've thought we were better than them or something? GO figure. This chapter talks about China's revolutionary takeoff pretty much. " China is industrializing according to a model set in the United States forty or fifty years ago" This is not a good thing, but who are we to say NO you can't make your country better when we have been doing it for years!

Man in the Anthropocene:
" It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advance society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing." What a buzz kill! This chapter was pretty depressing and scientific! Kolbert talks about CFC's, Chlorofluorocarbons, and their damaging effects. " It could be argued, taking this long view, that global warming will turn out to be just one more test in a sequence that already stretches from plague and pestilence to the prospect of nuclear annihilation. If, at this moment, the bind that we're in seems insoluble, once we've thought long and hard enough about it we'll find- or perhaps, float- our way clear." Pretty much this chapter just told us again that we're screwed to put it bluntly.