Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tool to Offer Fast Help for H.I.V Exposure

          " Time is of the essence in treating someone who may have been exposed to the AIDS virus." is what this article written by Roni Caryn Rabin started with, and boy is that true. Thankfully, starting this Wednesday emergency rooms and doctors all over New York state will only be a computer click away from possibly saving someone from being infected with the disease. The computer click, can also be known as " The Widget". The Widget was developed by a team of doctors from St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan, NY. The widget walks users through a screening process, which will determine whether the patient is able to be treated. It also teaches the patient about the 28-day course of antiretrovial drugs. Not only is this widget available for all patients, but you can also find it in 22 different languages. What's unfortunate is that the widget isn't as popular as you would think. In the article Dr. Tony Urbina explains that " You'd be surprised at how many patients come to us and say, ' I went to an emergency room, and the doctor didn't know what I was talking about, and I didn't get the drugs,'". This is absurd! If this miracle technology is available, how come everyone in the world doesn't know about it?  
          The article explains that all the information in the widget is constantly being updated by the State Health Department.  It is good to know that this product is out there, and it also good to know that these doctors are treating this problem, as if it were a "gunshot wound".Which in reality, H.I.V is worse than a gunshot wound, because you can never get rid of it. You live with it for as long as it allows you to live. The article also explains about the " golden two-hour period" after exposure where it is possible for you to start treamtment, and stop H.I.V from infecting you. What I didn't know is that you not only have 2 hours, but 36 hours after exposure to try and stop the disease from occuring.


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