Monday, November 9, 2009

Field Notes from a Catastrophe Ch. 3 &4

3. Blog on your reading, answering the following: What are the strongest pieces of evidence adduced in support of the theory of global warming?
 I belive the strongest pieces of evidence adduced in support of the theory of global warming   was on page 54 when the measurements of the ice sheets proved that they were rising, idicating that the ice was "floating on a cushion of water" " The reason for this accelertion, it is beleived, is the meltwater from the surface makes its way down to the bedrock below, where it acts as a lubricant ( in this process, it enlarges cracks and forms huges ice tunnels, known as " moulins.")  The book also explains on page 55 that the greenland ice sheet could be set in motion in a matter of decades. " Although the process coudl take centuries to fully play out, once begun it would become self- reinforcing, and hence virtually impossible to stop." I think that sentence alone is extremely scarey. Its like once the ice sheet starts to melt there is no stopping it, and we are pretty much screwed.
What doubts, if any, do you still have about the evidence so far set forth?  I personally don't have any doubts that we are suffering from global warming and I feel like this text gives very good examples and paints a scary picture about climate change. Being an environmental studies major I have read stories and papers about the ice sheets melting so this isn't anything that I've never seen before. Its a big deal that the ice sheets are melting because we could end up all under water!
Also assess Kolbert's writing style, objectivity, and explanatory powers.
In chapters 3 and 4 Kolbert does a good job at explaining the severity of the ice sheets melting in iceland. I also think at the end of chapter 4 he does a reallly good job at explaining the dirtyness of the glaciers, and how gloomy it was. He also makes you kind of depressed with his last sentence where he explains " If I returrned in another decade, the glacier would probably no longer even be visible from the ridge where I was standing."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dayna, you make some good observations, but Kolbert is a she, not a he. Also, I don't think she says the glaciers are rising because of the meltwater; she says they are flowing faster. Pay more attention to your spelling.
