Sunday, September 27, 2009

When Recycling Is Bad for the Environment

You just polished off some yogurt and, because of that chasing-arrows symbol on the bottom of the container, you assume it should go in the recycle bin. Right?
Not necessarily.

I chose this lede because recycling is a big part of what I go to school for. I am obsessed with the concept of recycling, and more importantly not wasting. After reading this article I even realized as much as a recycling freak as I am, i'm still not doing it correctly. There are so many plastics out their that its almost impossible to recycle every single type of plastic. I thought the lede was good because alot of people can relate to it, and then again it tells them its not necessary to throw your recycable cup into the recycling bin.  It leads the reader in kind of making them feel a little less guilty for not recycling when they knew they should have been!

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