Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chapter 5&6

Post a blog analyzing the chapters. What did you learn from them? Any criticisms? How did you like the writing--in terms of style and content? As usual, deadline is 8 p.m. Sunday.

Chapter 5:
I felt like this chapter was a history lesson. The beginning was not interesting to me at all. I did hear about the Mayan calender predicting the future a long time ago and it when the chapter went over it in the beginning I thought that was really interesting. Also this chapter got very scientific, explaining the GISS, going into the details of tracking climate change. My favorite sentence, or paragraph more like was on page 117 when deMenocal explained " The thing they couldn't prepare for was the same thing that we won't prepare for, because in their case they didn't know about it and because in our case the political system can't listen to it. And that is that the climate system has much greater things in store for us than we think." I thought her writing in this chapter wasn't the usual Kolbert writing, it was more of something you would find in a text book.

Chapter 6:
Chapter 6 kind of scared me to be honest. The whole sea levels rising and falling because of glaciers melting freaks me out because it's nothing that we have any control over. In this chapter Kolbert wasn't as scientific like the other chapter, and she got back into her funny writing like she has been doing throughout the entire book. I thought the scariest par of this chapter was the last page, int he last paragraph when Kolbert was talking about the amphibious Homes in Maasobommel, on the river banks of River Meuse. " Not one day is the same," " the water is coming up, and we have to live with, not fight it- its just not possible." These poor people are living in floating homes. These are the type of examples that I wanted to know about and these are the type of examples that really show people that our world is changing, if its not day by day, its month by month. Year by year, its changing.

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