Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chapters 7 and 8

" Here in the United States, most of us begin generating CO2 as soon as we get out of bed" I honestly had no idea that everything we do in our day to day activity burns fossil fuels. Making a pot of coffee requires electricity which requires fossil fuels, which emit co2, its never ending. Its crazy that the estimated population for 2050 is 10.6 billion people, i feel like their won't be enough room. Chapter seven goes over BUA, also known as business as usual. This chapter goes into the concept of " stabilization wedges". These wedges don't really work in the world today, but Socolow hoped to get them to be used. The idea of carbon credits arises in chapter 7, which company's use to maintain low emissions of co2, they are allowed a certain number of credits, and if they go over their limit they have to pay for the more credits that they used. Marty Hoffert complained that we aren't doing enough right now in this present moment to help stop carbon emissions, ' right now we're going to just burn everything up; were going to heat the atmosphere to the temperature it was in the Cretaceous, when there were crocodiles at the poles, and then everything will collapse."

Chapter 8
" We act, we learn, we act again." I think personally its pretty messed up that the US didn't sign the Kyoto protocol. Page 157 states the point that i have been asking myself since i started learning about all of this, " why should anyone have the right to emit more than anyone else." I feel like America pushes the fact that we need to do something about our carbon emissions, yet when there is a protocol that is made, we don't sign it.. makes no sense. This chapter talks about politician Al gore and his involvement in climate change. I like the man, and his movie " The Inconvenient Truth" but his movie had no sources to back him up so alot of people don't take him literally. This entire chapter is basically about our government making it's decision about whether to sign the Kyoto protocol, or to make up their own solution to our climate change problem. Although some politicians still don't believe that it caused by human impact.

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